The HAL repository system has adopted SWORD v2 for remote imports:
Author: Stuart Lewis
Stuart Lewis works for The University of Auckland Library as their Digital Development Manager. He has played a part of all the past SWORD projects, initially by being the joint creator of the DSpace and Fedora implementations, but also by writing clients such as the Java web client, the PHP API, and the Facebook client. More recently he has contributed by creating the EasyDeposit SWORD client creation tookit, and for writing ‘The SWORD Course’ ( / that was first delivered at the Open Repositories 2010 conference.
Stuart blogs regularly about SWORD developments ( and has co-authored two papers concerning SWORD:
- Allinson, J., François, S., Lewis, S. SWORD: Simple Web-service Offering Repository Deposit, Ariadne, Issue 54, January 2008. Online at
- Lewis, S., Hayes, L., Newton-Wade, V., Corfield, A., Davis, R., Donohue, T., Wilson, S., (2009) If SWORD is the answer, what is the question?: Use of the Simple Web-service Offering Repository Deposit protocol, Program: electronic library and information systems, Vol. 43 Issue 4, pp.407 - 418. DOI: 10.1108/00330330910998057. Online at
SWORDv2 and DSpace: New Release
Re-posted from:
We’re pleased to be able to say that in the last month we’ve been working hard to get the new version of the SWORDv2 java library and the related DSpace module which uses it up to release quality, in time for the DSpace 4.0 release which will be very soon.
For DSpace, this means we’ve achieved the following:
- Some enhancements to the authentication/authorisation process, and more configurability
- Proper support for the standard DSpace METS package, which had been omitted in the first version of SWORDv2 for various complicated reasons
- Lots more configuration options, giving administrators the ability to fine tune their SWORDv2 endpoint
- Improvements to how metadata is created, added and replaced and how those changes affect items in different parts of the workflow
- Some general bug fixing and refactoring for better code
If you’re not a DSpace user, though, you can still benefit from the common java library; we’ve now released this properly through the maven central repository, and if you want to build your server environment from it, you can include it in your project as easily as:
<dependency> <groupId>org.swordapp</groupId> <artifactId>sword2-server</artifactId> <version>1.0</version> <type>jar</type> <classifier>classes</classifier> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.swordapp</groupId> <artifactId>sword2-server</artifactId> <version>1.0</version> <type>war</type> </dependency>
We hope you have fun with the new software. In the mean time, don’t forget that there’s lots of SWORD expertise hanging out on the sword-app-tech mailing list.
Richard Jones, 15th November 2013
Cottage Labs have written a blog post about their project to add SWORD v2 deposit functionality into the DCC’s DMPOnline tool. This new feature allows data management plans that have been created to then be deposited into a central repository using SWORD v2. By using SWORD v2 (rather than SWORD v1), the data management plans can be re-deposited and updated within the repository as they change.
The code for DMPOnline with Repository Integration is available from: Cottage Lab’s project page for the project is
SWORD at Open Repositories 2012
The 7th International Conference on Open Repositories in Edinburgh is less than a week away now! Here is a list of SWORD related presentations at the conference by both the SWORD team, and others:
- OER: Workshop: Multi-repository Deposit to OER and IR at the Same Time: Monday, 09/Jul/2012: 9:30am – 12:30pm
- SWORDv2 for research data management: During the RF1 slot: Tuesday, 10/Jul/2012: 3:30pm – 6:00pm
- OERPub API for Publishing Remixable Open Educational Resources (OER): During the P5A slot: Wednesday, 11/Jul/2012: 3:30pm – 5:00pm
If you are interested in the use of SWORD for the deposit of research data, take a look at the DevCSI event report from their recent ‘Managing Research Data Hack Day‘ event report:
There is an interesting discussion and associated video about using SWORD v2 to deposit files using BitTorrent.
We’re pleased to advertise the following:
Dryad ( is a repository for data associated with scientific publications. As Dryad grows, it is becoming more important to use established standards for exchanging data with other systems. Although Dryad is built on DSpace, the SWORD support in DSpace is not sophisticated enough to handle Dryad’s data model. Specifically, there is no way to submit a SWORD package to DSpace that includes multiple objects with structured relationships.
To correct these deficiencies, Dryad has a summer programming project available through the Google Summer of Code. The general aim of the project is to expand the capabilities of the DSpace SWORD module, allowing for objects wrapped in BagIt (
If you’re interested, or know someone who is interested, don’t wait! The final application deadline is this Friday (6th April 2012), at 19:00 UTC. Send an initial notification of interest to the phylosoc group (contact information available on the project page). You are highly encouraged to create a draft proposal early this week so potential mentors may give feedback before the final proposal is submitted.
Originally published at:
The second version of the SWORD resource deposit protocol, designed primarily to enable the deposit of scholarly works into content repositories, has now been released. Developed with funding from the JISC, the SWORD v2 project has built upon the successful and award winning SWORD deposit protocol to now support the full deposit lifecycle of deposit, update, and deletion of resources. In addition of the new technical standard, implementations for some of the most well-known repository platforms have been created, along with client toolkits and exemplar demonstrators.
Led by Richard Jones (Technical Lead) of Cottage Labs and Stuart Lewis (Community Manager), formerly of the University of Auckland, now of the University of Edinburgh along with oversight from Paul Walk from the UKOLN Innovation Support Centre, the project was steered by an international technical advisory group of 36 experts in the areas of repositories, standards development, and scholarly content.
The development of the standard will allow a new breed of smart deposit scenarios and software products that are able to deposit content into one or more repositories, track the deposits over time, interact with them and update, or remove them. Before SWORDv2, deposit interoperability took the form of single deposits, coined as ‘fire and forget’. Once a deposit had been made, no further interaction was possible. SWORD v2 extends its support for the Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) by adding support updates and deletions. These will enable new interoperable deposit management systems to be built that will work with any SWORD v2 compliant system.
Deposit use cases which are now possible include collaborative authoring, or getting more integrated with the publication workflow where multiple updates and versions of documents are required. Further details can be found at the SWORD website: or by emailing
A new paper about repository deposit scenarios has just been published in this month’s D-Lib:
SWORD: Facilitating Deposit Scenarios ( / doi:10.1045/january2012-lewis)
The SWORD (Simple Web-service Offering Repository Deposit) protocol was designed to facilitate the interoperable deposit of resources into systems such as repositories. The use of an interoperable standard eases the burden of developing clients to deposit such resources. This paper examines nine different deposit use cases, and provides case studies and examples of each use case to demonstrate the wide range of repository deposit scenarios. The use cases range from the deposit of scholarly communication outputs from a publisher to a repository and the automatic deposit of data from laboratory equipment, to inter-repository transfer and collaborative authoring workflows.
Nine different deposit use cases are examined, along with case studies or examples for each:
- Use case 1: Publisher to Repository
- Use case 2: Research Information System to Repository
- Use case 3: Desktop to Repository
- Use case 4: Repository to Repository
- Use case 5: Specialised Deposit User Interface to Repository
- Use case 6: Conference Submission System to Repository
- Use case 7: Laboratory equipment to Repository
- Use case 8: Repository Bulk Ingest
- Use case 9: Collaborative authoring
We recently posted a survey about ‘Data Deposit’. The survey is still open if you wish to respond.
The first question in the survey asks:
- “How much do you know about SWORD?”

The SWORD v2 project has been asked by the JISC to look into the applicability of the SWORD protocol for depositing Research Data. The SWORD protocol has always been agnostic about the type of resource it is depositing, however its initial development stemmed from a requirement for the deposit of scholarly communications outputs into repositories – these typically being small text-based items.
In order to investigate how well SWORD and SWORD v2 would deal with Research Data, we need to know about the different types of research data that you are working with. This will allow us to discover some of the range of different data types in use, and the general and specific requirements of each.
We’ve tried to keep the survey short – it is only 9 questions long. If you have a few minutes to share some information with us about the data you work with, we would very much appreciate it.
Visit the survey at