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Looking back at Open Repositories 2011

Everyone is home from Open Repositories 2011 now.  As usual it was a great conference, and we were once again surprised by how often SWORD is referred to in different presentations.

SWORD was promoted by the team twice at the conference:

  • The SWORD Course: The course was presented by Stuart Lewis and Richard Jones. The slides from the course are available online. This year saw the addition of a new module, ‘An introduction to SWORD v2′.
  • SWORD v2 debut presentation: This was the first time that SWORD v2 has been presented at a large conference. The presentation was delivered by Stuart Lewis and Richard Jones, and showed the evolution of SWORD v1 to v2, demonstrated the benefits and use cases of the new version, and looked at the implementations that are under development.  The slides can be viewed on slideshare.

SWORD also played a part of the Developer Challenge, with a special prize being offered to the the most innovative use of SWORD in an open-repositories context.  The prize was won by a group made up of DSpace developers from New Zealand (The University of Auckland Library, and the Library Consortium of New Zealand) and an EPrints developer from the UK, currently living in Korea.  Part of their submission involved an Android mobile application they had created that could deposit geo-tagged photos directly into a repository using SWORD.

News SWORD v2

SWORD at Open Repositories 2011

The Open Repositories 2011 conference is less than 5 weeks away now, so we thought it would be a good time to tell you about about what the SWORD team will be up to at the conference.

SWORD will be represented at two different parts of the conference:

The SWORD Course
If you would like a general introduction to SWORD, then come to ‘The SWORD Course‘ which will take place during the pre-conference tutorials day on Tuesday 7th June.  The course will run for half a day, from 8am until 12 noon. This half-day course presents an overview of SWORD from the basics such as use cases and an introduction to web services, to the specifics such as packaging format issues and deposit URLs, to hands-on exercises to create new and customized SWORD clients using a web-based toolkit and the reference implementation Simple SWORD Server.  The course is suitable for people from all backgrounds, whether you are a repository manager, repository developer, or interested party.

To book a place on the course, please email

Introducing SWORD v2: The Next Generation of Repository Deposit
This presentation will be given during the main track of the conference, and will provide an overview of the exciting work around SWORD v2, why it has been developed, what it will do, and hopefully some demonstrations.

See you in Austin, Texas!

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The SWORD Course

The complete slides and videos from the SWORD course are now online. To access the course materials use the ‘The SWORD Course‘ link in the menu bar at the top of the site.

Here is an overview of the materials available:

  1. An Introduction to SWORD: Gives an overview of SWORD, the rationale behind its creation, and details of the first three funded SWORD projects (Slides | Video)
  2. SWORD Use Cases: Provides an introduction to use cases, and examines some of the use cases that SWORD can be used for (Slides | Video)
  3. How SWORD Works: A high level overview of the SWORD protocol, lightly touching on a few technical details in order to explain how it works (Slides | Video)
  4. SWORD Clients: The reasons for needing SWORD clients are shown, followed by a tour of some of the current SWORD clients (Slides | Video)
  5. Create Your Own SWORD Client: An overview of the EasyDeposit SWORD client creation toolkit, including the chance to try it out (Slides | Video)