SWORD version 2 is a new initiative to update the SWORD v1 standard in order to allow it to cope not only with the traditional ‘fire and forget’ deposit scenario, but also to facilitate the functions needed to support the whole deposit lifecycle of scholarly works.

In addition to the changes to the standard, a new community development model is being adopted to ensure the standard is developed, implemented, and adopted by the broad repository community. The development of SWORD v2 will first document the use cases that it needs to fulfill, then it will develop the new standard, and finally the standard will implemented in many of the well-known repository platforms.

Organisations or individuals interested in being part of the development of SWORD v2 are encouraged to contact info@swordapp.org to get in touch. SWORD v2 will benefit from a wide range of input from experts and users of repository and repository-related systems, so please get in touch, and get involved.